I don't know about you, but sometimes I get overwhelmed by the responsibility shift that needs to happen to truly make efforts towards creating a sustainable way of living on our beautiful planet. I refuse to be a person who throws in the towel and says it doesn't matter. IT DOES MATTER! How do I do this effectively? I don't use all or nothing strategies. I recognize it will never be perfect and I stay committed to problem solving rather than commiserating. When I make it past that hurdle I see the little things I can do.
Usually this looks like small habits in daily life that add up to a lot over time. Most recently I started recycling stations at our dental office. Every week I bring home about 10lbs of recycling to recycle at home AND I wrote letters to several facilities who offer recycling of dental materials until one wrote me back. Oral B sent us a return label for all the dental recycling we collect in our office. So, if you are looking for a place to recycle your old tooth brush, toothpaste tube or floss container come see us at Detail Dental Kids!
PS. Please be a carer, the world desperately needs carers right now. What is a carer? I carer is a heart feeler combined with an action taker with a dash of problem solver. Be that. Not just about the planet but about so many of the vitally important things in life.
Usually this looks like small habits in daily life that add up to a lot over time. Most recently I started recycling stations at our dental office. Every week I bring home about 10lbs of recycling to recycle at home AND I wrote letters to several facilities who offer recycling of dental materials until one wrote me back. Oral B sent us a return label for all the dental recycling we collect in our office. So, if you are looking for a place to recycle your old tooth brush, toothpaste tube or floss container come see us at Detail Dental Kids!
PS. Please be a carer, the world desperately needs carers right now. What is a carer? I carer is a heart feeler combined with an action taker with a dash of problem solver. Be that. Not just about the planet but about so many of the vitally important things in life.