In my pondering of additional small everyday ways I can help, I remembered a moment my heart was inspired... I have found Rites of Passage and Ceremony to be vitally important for holistic living. I believe these old ways of being are rooted in our innate human need to honor each phase of our lives and be in community with nature and one another. In this way we value each season of our own life and each other's lives. Reading Diana's book took me back to one of the teachings from a North Carolina Community I hold dear. In this community each person brings their own cup, bowl, plate and silverware and is responsible for the cleaning of their own items after the sharing of a meal. Often, elder's plates are taken care of for them as well as small children. This simple act can be so impactful, not only in reducing trash, but also in teaching personal responsibility. Through sustainable action we ensure the things we love and value continue to exist.
Life offers us a lot, some of it, distraction rather than helpful or authentically cup filling action. My heart is inspired to remember this way of being and once again keep a cup bowl and plate with me for gatherings. I will continue to carry my recycling home with me at events where recycling isn't offered and I will keep my eyes open for new ways to care for our beautyFULL planet.